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PPP Project Preparation Contract Management

PPP Project Preparation Contract Management

PPP Project Preparation Contract Management



This training course ” PPP Project Preparation Contract Management ” will focus on how best to prepare for a PPP project and then manage the PPP procurement process; identifying, assessing and allocating the principal risks in structuring the PPP contract, and other key issues that need to be considered in managing these long term high risk contracts. Exposure to both of the commercial landscape and background to PPP as well as its implementation will promote greater understanding of its place in infrastructure procurement.

It is widely recognised that good project preparation and contract management is fundamental to a successful PPP project. The concept of PPP obligates a more collaborative relationship between both sectors, fostered by openness and trust. This presents a major shift from the traditional arms-length approach in procuring services and executing projects. Well designed, feasible projects attract greater interest amongst potential investors and demonstrate the potential benefits of taking the project forward to procurement phase.

This training course will feature:

Course Objectives

By the end of this training course, participants will be able to:

Approved Certificate from 

 Training Plan Please Click Here  

This training course will be held in ( Istanbul / Sharm El Sheikh / Malaysia / Dubai / Cairo / Alexandria / London / Austria / Amsterdam )

For Registration and Further Information about Training Course Content, Please Contact Us

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