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FIDIC Contracts Management : Practical Use of FIDIC Contracts

FIDIC Contracts Management : Practical Use of FIDIC Contracts

FIDIC Contracts Management : Practical Use of FIDIC Contracts



This training course ” FIDIC Contracts Management : Practical Use of FIDIC Contracts ” is designed to provide practical guidance to those involved in the management or administration of projects where use of FIDIC forms of contracts is required. The course covers management disciplines and procedures in the “Pre-Contract” phase of the project including the FIDIC Client Consultant Service Agreement and selection of the appropriate FIDIC form of contract. It also covers the “Post Contract” award phase, including all contract management disciplines and claim management issues.

This practical course explains and illustrates the use of the FIDIC conditions of contract for construction (the “Construction Contract”) and the FIDIC conditions of contract for plant and design-build (the “Design-Build Contract”).

The course will enable participants to gain confidence in working with these documents, whether they represent employers, consultants or contractors.

Course Objectives

By the end of this training course, participants will be able to:

Approved Certificate from

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This training course will be held in ( Istanbul / Sharm El Sheikh / Malaysia / Dubai / Cairo / Alexandria / London / Austria / Amsterdam )

For Registration and Further Information about Training Course Content, Please Contact Us

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