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Building Finishes and Rehabilitation Works

Building Finishes and Rehabilitation Works

Building Finishes and Rehabilitation Works



This Training course “ Building Finishes and Rehabilitation Works “ is designed because of its importance , Since the introduction of modern design-oriented computer software, the concrete industry has tended to concentrate on the structural design aspects of reinforced concrete

The latest advances in materials and techniques and the current state-of-the-art for concrete will be presented, together with concerns that require consideration when modern materials are used, particularly for the first time, or when they are used in combination.

Case studies will be used to highlight failures that can be caused by selection of incorrect materials and rehabilitation techniques.

Course Objectives

By the end of this training course, participants will be able to:

Approved Certificate from 

 Training Plan Please Click Here  

This training course will be held in ( Istanbul / Sharm El Sheikh / Malaysia / Dubai / Cairo / Alexandria / London / Austria / Amsterdam )

For Registration and Further Information about Training Course Content, Please Contact Us

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